Conor Houghton


Papers and chapters in neuroscience

Cooperation as well as learning: A commentary on 'How learning can guide evolution' by Hinton and Nowlan.
Conor Houghton
(To appear Complex Systems, 2024)
arXiv: 2409.15609, just-so explanation

Residual stream analysis with multi-layer SAEs.
Tim Lawson, Lucy Farnik, Conor Houghton and Laurence Aitchison
(Under review, 2024)
arXiv: 2409.04185

Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of multi-region brain cell count data.
Sydney Dimmock, Benjamin M.S. Exley, Gerald Moore, Lucy Menage, Alessio Delogu, Simon R Schultz, E Clea Warburton, Conor J Houghton and Cian O'Donnell
(Under review, 2024)
bioRxiv, bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.07.20.603979

Topological and simplicial features in reservoir computing networks.
J McAllister, J Wade, CJ Houghton and C O'Donnell
23rd Annual UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence 2024

Golgi cells regulate timing and variability of information transfer in a cerebellar-behavioural loop.
Ensor Rafael Palacios, Conor J Houghton and Paul Chadderton
(Under review, 2024)
bioRxiv, bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.07.10.602852

Investigating the timescales of language processing with EEG and language models.
Davide Turco and Conor Houghton
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN 2024)
arxiv: 2406.19884

An Iterated Learning Model of language change that mixes supervised and unsupervised learning.
Jack Bunyan, Seth Bullock and Conor Houghton
(Under review 2024)
arxiv: 2405.20818

Modeling language contact with the Iterated Learning Model.
Seth Bullock and Conor Houghton,
(To appear: ALIFE 2024)
arxiv: 2406.06878

Fostering multi-agent cooperation through implicit responsibility.
Daniel Collins, Conor Houghton and Nirav Ajmeri,
The 2nd International Workshop on Citizen-Centric Multiagent Systems (C-MAS 2024)

A latent variable modeling approach for cognitive EEG data: An example from neurolinguistics.
Davide Turco and Conor Houghton
ICLR 2024 Workshop on Learning from Time Series For Health
openreview forum, openreview pdf

Investigating grammatical abstraction in language models using few-shot learning of novel noun gender.
Priyanka Sukumaran, Conor Houghton and Nina Kazanina
In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024, Eds. Yvette Graham and Matthew Purver (2024) pp 747-765., arXiv: 2403.10338

Nearest-neighbours estimators for conditional mutual information.
Jake Witter and Conor Houghton
(Under review, 2024)
arXiv: 2403.00556

Reward conditioning may not have an effect on category-specific memory.
Priyanka Sukumaran, Nina Kazanina and Conor Houghton
Scientific Reports (2023) 13 22297.
doi:, psyarxiv/3ca8j, psyarxiv doi:

Signatures of Bayesian inference emerge from energy efficient synapses.
James Malkin, Cian O'Donnell, Conor Houghton and Laurence Aitchison
eLife (2024) 12:RP92595., doi:

Estimating mutual information for spike trains: a bird song example.
Jake Witter and Conor Houghton
Entropy (2023) 25(10), 1413; doi:10.3390/e25101413

An Ising-like model for language evolution
Conor Houghton,
ALIFE 2023,, code on github, video abstract, poster.

Spatial community structure impedes language amalgamation in a population-based iterated learning model
George Sains, Conor Houghton and Seth Bullock,
ALIFE 2023,

Cerebellar state estimation enables resilient coupling across behavioural domains
Ensor Rafael Palacios, Paul Chadderton, Karl Friston and Conor J Houghton,
Scientific Reports (2024) 14:6641
journal, doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56811-x, bioRxiv, bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.04.28.538674

Social value orientation and integral emotions in multi-agent systems
Daniel Collins, Conor Houghton and Nirav Ajmeri,
International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE 2023)., proceedings.

Commentary: Beyond the limitations of any imaginable mechanism: large language models and psycholinguistics
Conor Houghton, Nina Kazanina, Priyanka Sukumaran,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2023) 46:e395.
doi:, arXiv 2303.00077, twitter thread.

Do LSTMs See gender? Probing the ability of LSTMs to learn abstract syntactic rules
Priyanka Sukumaran, Conor Houghton, Nina Kazanina,
EMNLP 2022 Workshop at BlackBoxNL
arXiv 2211.00153

A robust, compact and diverse population code for competing sounds in auditory cortex
Jian Carlo Nocon, Jake Witter, Conor J Houghton, Howard J Gritton, Xue Han and Kamal Sen,
(in press with Journal of Neurophysiology, 2023)

Bayesian analysis of phase data in EEG and MEG
Sydney Dimmock, Cian O'Donnell and Conor Houghton,
eLife (2023) 12:e84602.
PsyArXiv, doi:

Action-based organization and function of cerebellar cortical microcircuits
Nadia L Cerminara, Martin Garwicz, Henry Darch, Conor Houghton, Dilwyn E Marple-Horvat and Richard Apps,
Journal of Physiology (2022) 10.1113/JP282928
journal, doi:, bioRxiv, data: data.bris

Bayesian modeling of language-evoked event-related potentials
Davide Turco and Conor Houghton
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN 2022)
arXiv 2207.03392, code (github) doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2207.03392

Syllable-initial phonemes affect neural entrainment to consonant-vowel syllables
M Oana Cucu, Nina Kazanina and Conor Houghton
Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
journal, data (osf), code (github) doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.826105

A scalar Poincaré map for for anti-phase bursting in coupled inhibitory neurons with synaptic depression
Mark Olenik and Conor Houghton,
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2022) 8:822782
journal doi: 10.3389/fams.2022.822782

Objective measures of reward sensitivity and motivation in people with high vs low anhedonia.
Chloe Slaney, Adam M. Perkins, Robert Davis, Ian Penton-Voak, Marcus R. Munafà, Conor J. Houghton, Emma S. J. Robinson,
Psychological Medicine (2023) 53:4324-4332 doi: 10.1017/S0033291722001052
journal first view, medRxiv, data (data.bris)

Editorial: Information Processing in the Cerebellum
Conor Houghton, Philippe Isope, Richard Apps and Nadia L. Cerminara,
Frontiers Systems Neuroscience (2021) 15:752719
journal doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.752719

Accounting for uncertainty: inhibition for neural inference in the cerebellum.
Ensor Rafael Palacios, Conor Houghton and Paul Chadderton,
Proceeding of the Royal Society B (2021) 288: 20210276 doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.0276

Grammatical category and the neural processing of phrases.
Amelia Burroughs, Nina Kazanina and Conor Houghton,
Scientific Reports (2021) 11, 2446
journal doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-81901-5
analysis code (github), data (zenodo), twitter thread.

Do LSTMs know about Principle C?
Jeff Mitchell, Nina Kazanina, Conor Houghton and Jeff Bowers,
CCN 2019 2019
pdf, conference website, doi: 10.32470/ccn.2019.1241-0

Model-based inference of synaptic transmission
Ola Sabina Bykowska, Camille Gontier, Anne-Lene Sax, David W Jia, Milton Llera-Montero, Alex D Bird, Conor J Houghton, Jean-Pascal Pfister, Rui Ponte Costa,
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience (2019) 11, 21

Adaptive estimators show information compression in deep neural networks
Ivan Chelombiev, Conor Houghton and Cian O'Donnell,
ICLR 2019, open review, code

Calculating the mutual information between two spike trains
Conor Houghton,
Neural Computation (2019) 31:330-343
bioRxiv, code, paper source, abstract.

Spike train distance.
Thomas Kreuz, Conor Houghton and Jonathan D. Victor,
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Eds. Dieter Jaeger and Ranu Jung. (Springer, 2020)

Metric Space Analysis of Neural Information Flow.
Conor Houghton,
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Eds. Dieter Jaeger and Ranu Jung. (Springer, 2020)

Behavioural and computational methods reveal differential effects for how delayed and rapid onset antidepressants effect decision making in rats.
Claire A. Hales, Conor J. Houghton and Emma S. J. Robinson,
European Neuropsychopharmacology (2017) 27:1268-1280.

The dynamic relationship between cerebellar Purkinje cell simple spikes and complex spike spikelet number
Amelia Burroughs, Andrew K. Wise, Jianqiang Xiao, Conor Houghton, Tianyu Tang,
Colleen Y. Suh, Eric J. Lang, Richard Apps and Nadia L. Cerminara,
The Journal of Physiology (2017) 10.1113/JP272259.
PMC5199739 researchgate journal preprint.

Diffusion modelling reveals the decision making processes underlying negative judgement bias in rats.
Claire A. Hales, Emma S. J. Robinson and Conor J. Houghton,
PLoS ONE (2016) 11:e0152592.
journal. abstract, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152592

Commentary: The dentate gyrus and the hilar region revisited.
Conor Houghton,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2016) 39 e210.
doi / journal, pdf, researchgate, doi: 10.1017/S0140525X15001818

Calculating mutual information for spike trains and other data with distances but no coordinates.
Conor Houghton,
Royal Society Open Science, 2 (2015) 140391.
journal, doi: 10.1098/rsos.140391

Parameter estimation of neuron models using in-vitro and in-vivo electrophysiological data.
Eoin P. Lynch and Conor J. Houghton,
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 9 (2015) 10.
journal, doi: 10.3389/fninf.2015.00010

Metric space analysis of neural information flow.
Conor Houghton,
In Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Eds. Dieter Jaeger and Ranu Jung. (springer, 2014).
doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_744-1

Supervised learning with complex spikes and spike-timing-dependent plasticity.
Conor Houghton,
PLoS ONE 9 (2014) e99635.
journal, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099635

Dreams, mnemonics, and tuning for criticality.
Barak A. Pearlmutter and Conor J. Houghton,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (2013) 625-626.
journal text bibtex.

Population measures of spike train synchrony.
Conor Houghton,
Scholarpedia 8 (2013) 30635.

A kernel-based calculation of information on a metric space.
R. Joshua Tobin and Conor J. Houghton,
Entropy 15 (2013) 4540-4552.
pdf journal arXiv bibtex, doi: 10.3390/e15104540

Monitoring spike train synchrony.
Thomas Kreuz, Daniel Chicharro, Conor Houghton, Ralph G. Andrzejak and Florian Mormann,
The Journal Neurophysiology 109 (2013) 1457-1472.
journal arxiv pdf bibtex abstract, doi: 10.1152/jn.00873.2012

Measures of spike train synchrony: From single neurons to populations.
Conor Houghton and Thomas Kreuz,
In Multiscale analysis and nonlinear dynamics: from genes to the brain. Eds: Misha Meyer Pesenson and Heinz Georg Schuster. (Wiley, 2013).
book pdf bibtex.

A simple algorithm for averaging spike trains.
Hannah Julienne and Conor Houghton,
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 3 (2013) 1-14.
journal bibtex, doi: 10.1186/2190-8567-3-3

On the efficient calculation of van Rossum distances.
Conor Houghton and Thomas Kreuz,
Network, 23 (2012) 48-58.
journal pdf c++ code matlab code bibtex, doi: 10.3109/0954898X.2012.673048

A metric space approach to the information capacity of spike trains.
James Gillespie and Conor Houghton,
The Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 30 (2011) 201-209.
pdf source journal bibtex abstract, doi: 10.1007/s10827-010-0286-8

Measuring representational distances -- the spike-train metrics approach.
Conor Houghton and Jonathan D. Victor,
In Understanding Visual Population Codes - Towards a Common Multivariate Framework for Cell Recording and Functional Imaging. Eds: Nikolaus Kriegeskorte and Gabriel Kreiman. (MIT Press, 2012).
pdf from doc pdf from tex source bibtex.

Sparse coding of birdsong and receptive field structure in songbirds
Garrett Greene, David Barrett, Kamal Sen and Conor Houghton,
Network: Computation in Neural Systems 20 (2009) 162-177.
pdf journal bibtex, doi: 10.1080/09548980903108267

Tuning for criticality: a new hypothesis for sleep.
Barak A. Pearlmutter and Conor J. Houghton,
Neural Computation 21 (2009) 1622-1641.
pdf journal bibtex abstract, doi: 10.1162/neco.2009.05-08-787

Studying spike trains using a van Rossum metric with a synapse-like filter.
Conor Houghton,
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 26 (2009) 149-155.
pdf journal bibtex abstract, doi: 10.1007/s10827-008-0106-6

A new multi-neuron spike-train metric.
Conor Houghton and Kamal Sen,
Neural Computation 20 (2008) 1495-1511.
pdf journal bibtex abstract, doi: 10.1162/neco.2007.10-06-350

Refereed papers in physics

The effect of pion mass on Skyrme configurations.
Conor Houghton and Shane Magee,
hep-th/0602227. Europhys. Lett. 77 (2007) 11001.

A zero-mode quantization of the Skyrmion
Conor Houghton and Shane Magee,
hep-th/0509098. Phys. Lett. B632 (2006) 593-596.

Pulsation and precession of the resonant swinging spring
Peter Lynch and Conor Houghton,
nlin.SI/0303038, Physica D 190 (2004) 38.

Icosahedral Skyrmions
Richard Battye, Conor Houghton and Paul Sutcliffe,
hep-th/0210147, J. Math. Phys. 44 (2003) 3543.

Multicloud solutions with massless and massive monopoles.
Conor J. Houghton and Erick J. Weinberg,
hep-th/0207141, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 125002.

Folding in the Skyrme model.
Conor Houghton and Steffen Krusch,
hep-th/0104222, J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001) 4079.

On the generalized Legendre transform and monopole metrics.
C.J. Houghton,
hep-th/9910212, JHEP 02 (2000) 042.

On the constraints defining BPS monopoles.
C.J. Houghton, N.S. Manton and N.M. Romao,
hep-th/9909168, Commun. Math. Phys. 212 (2000) 219.

Nahm data and the mass of 1/4-BPS states.
Conor J. Houghton and Kimyeong Lee,
hep-th/9909218, Phys. Rev. D61 (2000) 106001.

Instanton vibations of the 3-Skyrmion.
Conor J. Houghton,
hep-th/9905009, Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 105003.

Two monopoles of one type and one of another.
Conor J. Houghton, Patrick Irwin and Arthur J. Mountain,
hep-th/9902111, JHEP 04 (1999) 029.

SU(N) monopoles and Platonic symmetry.
Conor J. Houghton and Paul M. Sutcliffe,
hep-th/9708006, J. Math. Phys. 38, 5576-5589 (1997).

Rational maps, monopoles and Skyrmions.
Conor J. Houghton, Nicholas S. Manton and Paul M. Sutcliffe,
hep-th/9705151, Nucl. Phys. B510, 507-537 (1998).

New hyper-Kaehler manifolds by fixing monopoles.
Conor J. Houghton,
hep-th/9702161, Phys. Rev. D56, 1220-1227 (1997).

Inversion symmetric 3-monopoles and the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold.
Conor J. Houghton and Paul M. Sutcliffe,
hep-th/9609136, Nonlinearity 9, 1609-1622 (1996).

Monopole scattering with a twist.
Conor J. Houghton and Paul M. Sutcliffe,
hep-th/9601148, Nucl. Phys. B464, 59-84 (1996).

Octahedral and dodecahedral monopoles.
Conor J. Houghton and Paul M. Sutcliffe,
hep-th/9601147, Nonlinearity 9, 385-401 (1996).

Tetrahedral and cubic monopoles.
Conor J. Houghton and Paul M. Sutcliffe,
hep-th/9601146, Commun. Math. Phys. 180, 342-362 (1996).

Some miscellaneous reports, notes, slides and posters

The distribution of language populations in an Ising model for language evolution.
Ludo Oliver and Conor Houghton,
Poster at CCS24

A new iterated learning model of language evolution.
Conor Houghton,
Talk at COMPILA2024
slides:, recording: youtube

Investigating the timescales of language processing with EEG and language models.
Davide Turco and Conor Houghton,
Poster at CCN24

Modeling language contact with the iterated learning model
Seth Bullock and Conor Houghton
Talk at ALIFE24

Navigating EEG data analysis for cognitive tasks
Conor Houghton
Talk at the Third London Computational Medicine Meetup hosted by Machine Medicine

Simple models of language evolution
Conor Houghton
Seminar at the Santa Fe Institute 2023-10-19

EEG and neurolinguistics
Conor Houghton
Seminar at Nottingham University 2023-10-10

Reading Javier Marías when he himself is already dead.
Conor Houghton
Talk given at Pint of Science 2023-05-24

A Bayesian approach to phase angles
Sydney Dimmock, Cian O'Donnell and Conor Houghton<
Talk presented by Sydney at StanCon 2023

A359065: Lexicographically earliest sequence of distinct positive composite integers such that no subsequence sums to a prime and in which all terms are coprime.
Conor Houghton (2022)
Entry in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences:

The role of Golgi cells in cerebellar cortical transformation.
Ensor Rafael Palacios, Conor Houghton and Paul Chadderton
Poster presented by Ensor at SFN 2022

Energy efficient Bayesian synapses
James Malkin, Cian O'Donnell, Conor Houghton and Laurence Aitchison
Poster presented by James as Bernstein 2022

Bayesian modeling of language-evoked event-related potentials
Davide Turco and Conor Houghton
Poster presented by Davide at CCN 2022

Is there evidence for category-specific memory enhancement effects due to reward?
Priyanka Sukumaran, Conor J Houghton and Nina Kazanina
Poster presented by Priyanka at FENS 2022

Estimating transfer entropy
Jake Witter, Conor Houghton
Talk at Building population models for large-scale neural recordings 2022, Edinburgh

Retrospective and prospective enhancement of memory in word learning
Priyanka Sukumaran, Nina Kazanina and Conor J Houghton
Poster presented by Priyanka at PsyPAG 2021

A Bayesian approach to phases for frequency-tagged EEG for the cognitive neuroscience of language
Sydney Dimmock, Cian O'Donnell and Conor Houghton
Poster at Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL) 2022, Dublin
zenodo, pdf and svg

A note on the unbiased estimation of mutual information
Jake Witter, Conor Houghton
arXiv 2105.08682.

Estimating mutual information
Conor Houghton,
Talk at AIUK 2021, (April 2021).
youtube, slides.

Different methods for assessing cognitive affective biases in rats using the judgement bias task.
Haris Organtzidis, Claire Hales, Justyna Hinchcliffe, Emma Robinson, Conor Houghton ,
Pharmacological Reports 71(6), (2019) 1312-1313., pdf.

EEG responses to grammatical and ungrammatical phrases
Conor Houghton,
Talk at CLIN30, January 2020, Utrecht (Netherlands)

Neural processing of sentences
Conor Houghton,
Talk at the Dynamics Seminar, February 2019, Exeter University (UK)

A Kozachenko-Leonenko estimator for mutual information on metric spaces
Conor Houghton,
Talk at the Machine and Mind Seminar, February 2019, Bristol University.
Talk at the High Dimensional and Bayesian Inference toward Quantifying Real-World Uncertainties workshop, May 2019, University of Bristol.

Neural processing of sentences
Conor Houghton,
Talk at the Dynamics Seminar, February 2019, Exeter University.

Anti-Hebbian learning with Hebbian spike timing dependent plasticity
Conor Houghton,
Talk at Neuroplasticity: From Bench to Machine Learning, July 2018, University of Surrey (UK)

Mutual information for functions, maybe even event related potentials
Conor Houghton,
Seminar at the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt, May 2018

A metric space approach to information theory for multi-unit recordings
Conor Houghton,
Poster at Neural Coding, Computation and Dynamics (NCCD2017) Sep 2017 Capbreton (France)

Conor Houghton,
Slides from a public talk given at Pint of Science, May 2017 Bristol

Modelling decision-making in a rodent judgement bias task using a biophysically realistic neural network model
Claire A. Hales, Emma S. J. Robinson and Conor J. Houghton,
Refereed conference abstract, Journal of Psychopharmacology. Supplement to Issue 30(8): A66-A67.

Data file for: Diffusion modelling reveals the decision making processes underlying negative judgement bias in rats.
Claire A. Hales, Emma S. J. Robinson and Conor J. Houghton,
data.bris researchgate.

Calculating mutual information for spike trains and other data with distances but no coordinates.
Conor Houghton,
Poster at Internation Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience, June 2015, Jaun-Les-Pins, France

Spike-timing dependent plasticity and supervised learning in cerebellum
Conor Houghton.
Poster at Bernstein Conference, September 2014, Goettingen, Germany

Multi-neuron spike trains - distances and information
Conor Houghton.
Talk at the NETT workshop in Florence, 2014-03-20.
pdf source figshare,

Spike trains and information
Conor Houghton.
Public talk at the Bristol Neuroscience Festival.
some material.

A speculative model of supervised learning in cerebellum
Conor Houghton.
Poster for JSMF Meeting June, 2013, Cambridge, England
pdf source.

The variations of spike times.
James Gillespie and Conor Houghton,
Various seminars
beamer slides pdf source.

A dendrogram approach to the structure of spike trains.
Conor Houghton,
poster pdf

A simple algorithm for averaging spike trains.
Hannah Julienne and Conor Houghton,
Seminar, Bristol, September 2011.
beamer slides: pdf.

Uplift quadratic program in Irish electricity price setting
Michelle Carey, Conor Houghton, Matylda Jabłońska and John Kinsella and study group contributors,
Proceedings of the Seventieth European Study Group with Industry (Limerick 28 June to 3 July 2009).
pdf of the whole proceedings.

A metric space approach to the information capacity of spike trains.
James Gillespie and Conor Houghton,
poster pdf tar.gz and slides pdf tar.gz.

Spike codes and spike metrics.
Conor Houghton. seminar, Newcastle 15 May 2009.
beamer slides pdf source.

A comment on "A fast L_p spike alignment metric" by A. J. Dubbs, B. A. Seiler and M. O. Magnasco [arXiv:0907.3137]
Conor Houghton,
(Technical report 2009).
arxiv h-data.

What is a neuron's firing rate?
Úna Ní Éigeartaigh and Conor Houghton,
Poster at Neuroscience Ireland meeting, Dublin, Ireland, September 10-11, 2009.
pdf tar.gz figshare.

The sparse decomposition of sound in the time domain using non-negative quadratic programming.
Conor Houghton,
(Technical report 2008).
pdf source note.

Timescales in songbird auditory processing.
Conor Houghton,
Talk presented at Information MFCSIT'06 (1-5 August 2006, University College Cork).
pdf source

Finding community structures in networks by playing pass-the-parcel.
Conor Houghton,
(Technical report 2008).
pdf tara source

Studying spike trains using a van Rossum metric with a synapse-like filter.
Conor Houghton,
Two posters: pdf and pdf.

Other reports in physics

Yang-Mills theory and Instantons.
Conor Houghton,
Encylopedia entries in the Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science (Routledge, New York, 2005).
Yang-Mills theory and instantons.

Skyrmions and monopoles: dihedrally-symmetric 3-solitons.
Conor J. Houghton,
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Quantum Systems, New Trends and Methods (Met, Minsk, 2001).
pdf and tar.gz.

Conor J. Houghton,
PhD Thesis (Cambridge, 1997).

Some OSF registrations

Effort as a potential mediator between momentary mood and performance in a hidden state foraging task.
Kimberley Beaumont, Ian Penton-Voak, and Conor Houghton,

Assessment of momentary mood and performance in a hidden state foraging task.
Kimberley Beaumont, Ian Penton-Voak, and Conor Houghton

Deep Learning Gender: Do LSTM language models learn abstract gender rules?
Priyanka Sukumaran, Nina Kazanina, Conor Houghton

Is there evidence for category-specific memory enhancement effects due to reward?
Priyanka Sukumaran, Nina Kazanina, Conor Houghton

Retrospective and prospective enhancement of memory in word-learning.
Priyanka Sukumaran, Nina Kazanina, Conor Houghton

Reward processing in individuals with and without symptoms of depression.
Chloe Slaney, Marcus Munafo, David Kessler, Ian Penton-Voak, Conor Houghton, Emma Robinson

Investigating reward motivation and sensitivity in healthy volunteers with high vs low state anhedonia.
Chloe Slaney, Marcus Munafo, Ian Penton-Voak, Conor Houghton, Emma Robinson

Talks / publications outside of science

He regularily swam at Christmas but never before so far from shore
Conor Houghton.
reflex fiction

A Famous Scandal at Work
Conor Houghton.
Second Prize in the Synaesthesia Magazine Flash Fiction Contest 2018. competition page

The Undertakers' Jolly
Conor Houghton.
Second Prize in the Bath Flash Fiction Award, June 2018.
In Things Left and Found by the Side of the Road Bath Flash Fiction Vol. 3. ISBN 978-1-912095-63-6.
story on Bath Flash Fiction, interview.

Big Secrets Everybody Knows
Conor Houghton.
Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Vol. 10, 2017. ISBN 978-1910089651.

The Great Forgotten Language
Conor Houghton.
Sleep is a Beautiful Colour National Flash Fiction Day Anthology, 2017. ISBN 978-1547192618.

The Unfortunate
Conor Houghton.
Finalist in the 43rd New Millenium Writings Flash Fiction Competition.

Language Lessons
Conor Houghton.
Shortlisted for 2017 Fish Flash Fiction Competition.

Conor Houghton.
Shortlisted for The Short Story Spring 2017 Flash Fiction Competition.

Some Nights Like Tonight
Conor Houghton.
Second prize winner in 2016 Bare Fiction Magazine Flash Fiction Competition.
magazine, competition results page with judges report.

Conor Houghton.
In To Carry Her Home Bath Flash Fiction Vol. 1. ISBN 978-1-912095-00-1.

Blind Man
Conor Houghton.
First prize winner in the 2017 Doolin Literary Festival Flash Fiction Competition.

Conor Houghton.
Story at Outsiders Story Friday Bath 2016-09-23.

Quad / Quin
Conor Houghton.
Talk and directions for Quin, at the workshop demonstration of Samuel Beckett's Quad by Pan Pan Theatre and the Irish Modern Dance Theatre at the Dublin Dance Festival, 2014-05-30/31, at the Beckett Summer School, 2015-08-11 and at the Enniskillen Beckett Festival, 2017-09-03.
directions for Quin: pdf or figshare and some photographs: 1 2 3 4 5.

The Summer I Was Arrested
Conor Houghton.
Talk at Ignite Bristol #9.
notes and slides, youtube.

Conor Houghton.
Talk on the mathematics of Samuel Beckett's Quad at the Pan Pan Theatre lecture demonstration in Edinburgh (27 August 2013).
talk animation of Quad animation of Quin (all ppt).

Peek and poke - computer nostalgia
Conor Houghton.
Talk at Ignite University of Bath #2